Godziny pracy dzisiaj dla The Coffee Club

07:00 - 17:00

Teraz otwarte, dopóki 17:00
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  • Środa (dzisiaj): -
  • Czwartek: -
  • Piątek: -
  • Sobota: -
  • Niedziela: -

Edytowac te Godziny otwarcia

🕗 The Coffee Club Godziny otwarcia w Darwin, 0800

0800 5 Kitchener Dr Darwin, au
Phone: (08) 8941 0422
Edycja szczegolow
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Their idea was to create more than just a place where people could meet for coffee; it was to provide a relaxed meeting place that is casual yet sophisticated, stylish yet affordable. In short, their plan was to meet an untapped need in the Australian hospitality market.Our mission and philosophy is simple, at The Coffee Club we want to provide: Good Food, Great Service and Excellent Coffee; a welcoming relaxed meeting place enriching contemporary lifestyles; and, the answer to “Where will I meet you?”


Najblizszy restauracja, The Coffee Club Darwin Waterfront

Red Rooster Darwin, Darwin

44 Mitchell St., 703.5 m

Teraz otwarte, dopóki 21:00

Outback Jacks Darwin, Darwin

1/28 Mitchel Street, 525.9 m

Teraz otwarte, dopóki 23:59

The Coffee Club Casuarina, Casuarina

247 Trower Rd, 10.9 km

Teraz otwarte, dopóki 22:00

The Coffee Club Darwin Mitchell, Darwin

55-59 Mitchell St, 768.8 m

Teraz otwarte, dopóki 17:00

The Coffee Club Tiwi, Tiwi

Royal Darwin Hospital, 12.0 km

Dziś zamknięte

Cold Rock Darwin, Darwin

55-59 Mitchell St, 768.8 m

Teraz otwarte, dopóki 21:30